Vedic Way of Achieving Everlasting Peace

20th Arya Maha Sammelan

Dr. Prem Chand Shridhar, Acharya, Arya Samaj Greater Houston (TX)


Distinguished Scholars, My Brothers and Sisters,

It is a matter of great delight and privilege to have this great opportunity to be with (you all) all of you and participate in this 20th Arya Maha Sammelan, here in Orlando (FL).   I would like to share my thoughts on the topic “Vedic Way of Achieving Everlasting Peace.”

The greatest beauty of the Vedic Texts and Scriptures is that they belong to the whole humanity without any distinction of caste, creed, color and country.  This Divine Knowledge is universal, as has been proclaimed in Yajurveda 11.5 and 26.2 “Listen ye, All the children of the immortal Divine.” As I have given this most auspicious Vedic Wisdom for the good and the welfare of all.

The world today is awfully torn and troubled with conflicts and tensions all around.  It is because of economic disparities, appalling poverty, hunger, disease, recession in economy, violence by terrorists, religious fanaticism, greed for possessiveness and many other evils in the society in various ways.  We are sitting on a dynamite and the prevailing circumstances are threatening the very existence of all the human beings.  We have plenty of wealth, yet our minds and hearts feel the emptiness. To sum up I can say that there are two main problems: Hunger and Anger.  The only solution is the Vedic way of life.


The Veda says,

Maata bhumi putro aham prithivya

- Atharva Veda 12.1.12

This Mother Earth is our common Mother and we all are sons and daughters of this Mother.  Therefore, there is oneness among all the innumerable souls inhabiting the different physical bodies.


Unity of Being:

The Supreme Lord, Creator of this Universe is one.  All of us are born under the same sky, breathing the same air, drinking the same water bestowed upon us by God, which rains down on Earth and mountains (valleys), flowing through the rivers to the sea while quenching the thirst of all.  We enjoy various kinds of foods, vegetables and fruits given by (bestowed upon us by) Mother Earth while satisfying the hunger of the rich and poor alike.  The Sun gives light and heat in equal proportion to both the King and the Pauper.  According to the Vedic philosophy, all persons have the right to share the boons and blessings of the Mother Earth equally.Ask yourself with complete cool mindedness: Are we not brothers, sisters and children of the same Father, The Supreme Lord? There is a prayer in the Vedas:


Tvam hi nah pita vaso tvam maataa

Shatkrato babhuvith. Adha te sumnamimahe

- Rig Veda 8.98.11

“O Lord! Thou art our Father and Mother, Thou art the only refuge of all, as Thou art the bestower of everything for our survival.  We bow our heads to seek Thy blessings.


It is Paramount to feel oneness:

If we want to have peace and prosperity on Earth.  In whatever direction I turn my eyes I look upon every one as my friend.  It says in Ath. Veda:


Vishva ashaa mam mitram bhavantu

Atharva Veda 19.15.6

Blessed are the eyes that cast the affectionate glances at others. The Vedas teach us that all are our friends, none is our enemy.  Love begets love and hatred breeds poison and contempt.


Mitrasyaaham chkhshushaa sarvani, Bhutani samikshe

Mitrasya chakhshusha samikhsha mahe

 Yajur Veda 36.18

The Problem of terror and Unrest:

In the first part of my talk I have tried to emphasize in brief what the Vedas ordain about the oneness of the human beings and what should be the broad outlook to live in peace and harmony.  Now, I would like to delve upon the problems of peace on Earth today.


Every one of us is fully aware of the fact that the world today is shattered with total unrest, fear and terrorism. There is chaos and conflict and this problem is increasing day by day.  At the outset let us analyze the root causes before we find out the everlasting solution of this menace.


The Psychological Cause:

Since the creation of the world and the birth of human beings on Earth, there has been a struggle for possession, position and power.  The man by his nature is selfish and greedy.  Anyone who stands in the way of attaining his cherished desires becomes his enemy and one who is helpful, is considered a friend.  This principal instinct is within every individual, family, society and nation, everywhere this same instinct works resulting in two kinds of emotions: Love and Hatred.


To Gain Economic Supremacy:

With the advancement of science and technology humans have reached up to the Moon. They are armed with the techniques of warfare and mass destruction.  They are using these resources to gain power instead of using this for human welfare. Energy is being spent in warfare rather than welfare. We have guided missiles but misguided men. The powerful and rich crush the weak and poor.  They help the poor and needy less and do it with self interest.  Thus, there is always conflict, chaos and fear to gain economic power.


The Religious Supremacy:

Some religious communities believe in mass religious conversions to gain political power.  For this they create constant terror by aggressive measures.  This has caused havoc all around the world.  You are all too aware of what is happening around the world.


The Political Supremacy:

Some religions have little to do with spreading the sense of spirituality and humanness.  There main motive is to gain the possession of resources, become richer, capture the economy and then political power.  So the remedy is not in the capitalistic state.  Both the systems are two extremes and incomplete. Peace on earth will prevail if the Vedic Social System is looked into.


The Vedic Solution:

Vedic social system and philosophy is the proven answer to all the problems of restlessness, fear of the warfare on economic, religious and political front.  Even to cope with problems cropped up psychologically relating to animal instincts and of all the evil emotions and tendencies resulting from them.


Be Friendly In your Outlook:

As I quoted in the beginning, we have to be friendly in our outlook towards the whole humanity. Yajurveda chapter 40.6 says:


Yastu sarvaani bhutaani,  Atmanyevaanu pashyati

Sarvabhuteshu chaatmaanam tato nab vichikitsati

Yajur Veda 40.6

One who sees all creatures as if they were his own self and sees himself in others, his mind then rests in tranquility with no suspicion to disturb it and ceases to hate anyone. This sense of separateness gives rise to many selfish desires and to exploit others.  And the 7th verse says:


Yasmin sarvaani bhutaani atmaivaabhut vijaantah

Tatra ko mohah kah shoka  ektvam anupashyatah

Yajur Veda 40.7

There can be no sorrow for the wise man who realizes the unity of all existence in perceiving all beings as his own self.  This brings the feeling of universal love and the sense of compassion towards other beings, blessedness and peace within oneself.  In the Gita chapter 5, verse 18 says: Sages equate a learned and humble brahamana and animals as these all have a vision of God in them.


Panditaah samadarshinah

- Gita 5.18

Be Considerate and Generous in your Outlooks


Ayam nijah proveti ganana laghuchetsam

Udar charitanam tu vasudheva kutumbakam

- Hitopadesh

Being selfish and narrow minded is the quality of an egoistic and prejudiced person, but people who are generous and bountiful for them the whole world is their family.


Ekshyate yogyuktaatmaa sarvatra samadarshanah

– Gita 6.29

The yogi whose mind is steeped in yoga, looks at all with equal and friendly eyes, sees his self presence in all beings. This is the Vedic philosophy to see the same divinity in all. Such vision can only bring peace and harmony on the Mother Earth.


In Atharvaveda we read:

Ayutoaham aatma ayutam me chakshu ayutam me shrotram

Ayuto me ayutom pranah ayuto vyanah ayuto aham sarvah

- Atharva Veda 19.5.1

I am not in one but I am in millions.  I have millions of eyes, ears and lives.  They are I and I am They.  This sense of oneness results in love, peace and feelings of benevolence.


How to enjoy the material wealth:

The Vedas exhort us that the whole material wealth on Earth belongs to all.


Bhujishyam paatram nihitam guha yadaavibhoge abhvanmatrimadhbhyah

- Ath.V.12.1.60

All edible objects are to be obtained from Mother Earth, who is the fulfiller of our desires and for the enjoyment of all. But how to enjoy this wealth which belongs to God, the first verse of Yajurveda chapter 40 ordains:


Ishaavaasyamidam sarvam yatkinch jagatyaanjagat

Ten tyaktena bhunjithah, ma gridha-kasya svid dhanam

- Yajur Veda 40.1

The verse says whole universe is filled with the spirit of God.  Whatever, there is changeful in this ephemeral world is enveloped by the supreme Lord.  So live with the sense of renunciation.  Do not covet the wealth of anyone.

In Rigveda 10.117.6 it has been said, those who cook only for themselves and eat are essentially sinful.  Taitiriya Upnishad says:


Sahnaavavatu sahnoubhunaktu, sah viryam karvaavahai

Tejasvinavaadhit mastu maa vidvishaavahai.

- Taitiriya Upnishad 1.1

Let us defend ourselves together, eat and live together improve our efficiencies and capabilities together. Be educated and develop our resources together.  Let us not hate anyone and again I quote from Atharvaveda:


Samaani prapaa sahv oannabhaagah samaane yoktre sahvoyunajmi

Samyanchaagnimsaparyataraa nabhimivaabhitah

- Atharva Veda 3.30.6

You should drink together, eat together, as if joined in common yoke. Just as the spokes rotate fixed in a common axle similarly you should feel yourselves fixed in social life.


Bhunjate te tvagham paapaa ye pachantyaatmakaarnaat

- Gita 3.13

But those sinful ones who cook food for themselves verily devour sin.


Kwvalaagho bhavati kevalaadi

- Rig Veda 10.117.6

The one who eats alone is a thief.Social Concordance and Unity:

I would like to draw your attention towards the Vedic philosophy regarding social concordance and unity. The first and foremost thing to note in the Vedas is that none in the society is superior or inferior.


Ajyeshthaaso aknishthaas aite, Sam bhratrou vaavridhu soubhagaaya

- Rig Ved 5.60.5

None is superior or inferior, high or low. All are equal.  They should advance and flourish, practicing eternal and universal code of life.


Samaano mantrah samitih samaani, Samaanam manah saha chittmeshaam

Samaanam mantramabhi mantraye vah, Samaanena vo havisha juhomi



samaani va aakutih samaanaa hridlyaani vah

samaanamastu vo  mano yathaa vah su sahaasti

- Rigveda 10.191.4

The supreme Lord ordains: Let your way of thinking be the same, Let your minds be of one accord, Let your resolutions be the same, Let the commonness of your thoughts bring the co-operation of the highest order.  So those all attain the same goals and have peace and prosperity.


Follow The Principles of Vedic Dharma:

The Commandments of Vedic Dharma are Yamah - Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Bhramcharya, Aparigraha (Nonviolence, truthfulness, abstaining from coveting what belongs to others, abstinence (abstain) from sensual gratification and possessiveness) Niyamah - Shauch, Santosh, Tapah, Svadhaya, Ishvara, Pranidhana (Purification, Contentment, Devotional dedication, Continuing the study of scriptures and complete surrender to God.) - Yoga Darshan  2.30 & 2.32



Dharitih kshama damoasteyam shauchamindariyamigrahah

Dhirvidyasatyamakrodho dasakam dharamalaksanam

- Manu 6.92

The Ten characteristics of a person who upholds Dharma are: Patience, Forgiveness, Subjugation of Senses, Maintenance of Purity, Sensual Discipline, Acquisition of Knowledge and Wisdom, Abstinence from stealing, truthfulness and emotional and sensual discipline.  If all human beings follow these commandments of Vedic Dharma there will surely be complete peace and harmony in the world.  All that sustains the life of all the creatures on Earth is Dharma. Essence of Dharma is Humanity (ManurbhavaRig  Veda 10.53.6) and Nobility (Aryatva – Rig Veda 9.63.5)


How the International Co-Existence is possible:

Thus the struggle for the world peace, brotherhood, International co-existence and emphasis on the territorial integrity and sovereignty is the call of the modern times.  Our heritage and culture is a witness that our seers have always spoken of: “Let The Whole World be one” The first ever known book of the knowledge - Vedas have propagated the people of the Mother Earth.  They should imbibe the qualities of humanness, kindness, peaceful co-existence, fraternity and friendship. The doctrines of the Vedas have universal appeal. They are for all the people and for all times.


Presenting three more verses from the last hymn of the Rigveda, I humbly submit:


Sangchadhvam samvaddhvam sam vo manaansi jaantaam

Devaa bhaagam yathaa purve samjaanaanaa upaasate

- Rig Veda 10.191.2

Samaano mantrah samitih samaani Samaanam manah sahchitmeshaam

Samanam mantramabhimantrayevah Samaanena vo havishaa juhomi

-RigVeda 10.191.3.

“Move together, speak together, Let your minds be in unison.”May your thoughts be common, the place of assembly common: common the minds, and hearts of all united, a common purpose and common provisions.


I conclude my talk quoting a piece of verse from the Rigveda again:


Pumaan pumaansam paripaatu vishvatah

- Rig Veda 6.75.14

“O human beings of the Mother Earth give protection to one another from all sides so that all live in peace”.  But how is all this possible, the first line of the preamble of the Constitution of UNESCO begins with the following words: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that defenses of peace must be constructed.”The makers of the constitution must take inspirations from the words of the Vedic Social thoughts in letter and spirits, if they are serious to the problems of unrest and terrorism.


We are in fact living a life of double standards.  What we preach we do not practice.  The untruth, lawlessness, selfishness, luxurious life, denial of the Supreme Divine power, violence and use of destructive arms to attain more and more economic and political power; have (has) become (the) order of the day.  The fact is we are not serious about the problem of achieving everlasting peace.


Atharvaveda 12.11 wonderfully emanates the solution to sustain peace on Earth.  It says, “The forces that can cement and bring a perpetual solution are the truth, the irrevocable law, vow for the service of the mankind, living an austere life, faith in the Divine power and selflessness to the extent of sacrificing our interests for the welfare of others.  We will have to live according to the fundamental guidelines as exhorted in the Vedic philosophy and peace in the world will surely prevail.


There are innumerable verses in the Vedas that speak of social concord and International understanding, co-existence of nations, peace and unity, happiness and fraternity.  And the peace prayer is common for all of us:


Om dyou shanti, antricksham shanti; prithvi shanti.

Aapa shanti; aushadhaya shanti; vanaspathaya shanti;

brahama shanti sarvam shanti; shantireva shanti;

shanti sama shantiredhi  

- Yajur Veda 36.17

May the sky be peaceful; May the atmosphere be peaceful; May the Earth be peaceful; May waters be peaceful; May the medicinal herbs be peaceful; May all plants be peaceful; May all the devas be peaceful; May the creator of the Universe be peaceful; May all be peaceful.Can there be any other wonderful and amazing prayer and lofty thought than these Vedic verses propagate?


Sam shruten gamemahi maa shruten vi raadhishi

- Atharva Veda 1.1.4

Let us live according to the teachings of Vedas, never violate and oppose them in our practical life. May God bless all of us with Peace, Prosperity and Harmony.